Virtual Classes

Master the Muzzle Virtual Masterclass

Cost: £50
In Person/Virtual: Virtual

Join us for a supportive 5-week Virtual Master the Muzzle Masterclass designed for dog guardians who want to ensure their dogs are truly comfortable and confident wearing a muzzle.

Over the course of 5 engaging and interactive weeks, starting August 1st, you and your dog will embark on a transformative journey designed to ensure muzzle training is a positive and stress-free experience.

Our masterclass is tailored to use fear-free, positive reinforcement methods exclusively, ensuring that your dog not only learns to wear a muzzle but also enjoys the process. Jen is an experienced trainer and has taught her own reactive Stafford to where a muzzle, she will provide personalised support and guidance, making the learning experience enriching for both you and your dog.

Course Content:

Week 1: Introduction

  • Discover the benefits and importance of muzzle training.
  • Get familiar with different types of muzzles and how to choose the right one for your dog.
  • We look at the basics of muzzle training and capturing some behaviour

Week 2: Creating Positive Associations

  • Learn how to introduce a muzzle using fear-free techniques.
  • Teaching an opt out and back in to training and giving the dog choice
  • Engage in activities that build a positive association with the muzzle

Week 3: Slowly Does It

  • Practice exercises that reinforce acceptance of putting their nose into a muzzle
  • Working on duration and slowly introducing the muzzle being fastened.

Week 4: Advanced Muzzle Skills

  • Teach your dog to wear the muzzle for longer periods without stress.
  • Incorporate muzzle training into everyday activities and play
  • Incorporate other pieces of equipment such as collar and lead

Week 5: Real-World Applications and Confidence Building

  • Apply muzzle training to real-life scenarios, ensuring your dog remains calm and comfortable.
  • Celebrate your dog’s progress with a graduation session and receive a certificate of completion.

You will have access to 1 month’s support after the masterclass has ended to help with any troubleshooting.

Why Attend?

Muzzle training is a valuable skill for any dog, enhancing safety and peace of mind in various situations. Whether for vet visits, grooming, or ensuring safety in unfamiliar environments, our workshop empowers you to train your dog with kindness and confidence.

Reserve your spot today for just £50 (just £10 per week) and embark on a journey towards a more secure and positive future with your canine companion. Let’s make muzzle training a happy and stress-free experience for both you and your dog!

What to Expect:
  • Fear-Free Training: Learn how to introduce and condition your dog to a muzzle using exclusively fear-free, positive reinforcement techniques.
  • Expert Guidance: Benefit from the expertise of a trainer who specialises in creating stress-free, enjoyable training experiences for dogs and their guardians.
  • Interactive Sessions: Participate in live, interactive sessions where you can ask questions, share progress, and receive personalised advice.
  • Comprehensive: The carefully structured program covers everything from selecting the right muzzle to ensuring a perfect fit, all while building a positive association for your dog.
  • Community Support: Connect with fellow dog guardians, share experiences, and build a network of support and encouragement in the private Facebook group.

Equip your dog with a valuable skill while enhancing your bond through positive, rewarding experiences.

Sign Up Now and give your dog the gift of comfort and confidence and take the first step towards stress-free muzzle training at Future Focus Canines!

Start Date: 1 August at 6:30pm
Cost: £50