
Classes are run every Tuesday in Doulting Village Hall

Puppy Course

Our Puppy Course is carefully formulated to help give you the skills to bring up a happy, well-rounded, and confident dog.

We cover the basics such as recall, loose lead walking, place commands, and other behaviours such as drop, leave it, down, and more.

Each class will also look at things like dog body language; how to recognise if your dog is feeling stressed or overwhelmed and how to deal with that; how to properly socialise your dog to the world; and tips on  how to recognise and avoid separation anxiety

Our classes are based inside but we also work outdoors if weather permits to get more natural training environments. The first session of the course will be online, this is a chance to practice in a low-pressure environment (your home) and gives young pups the time to settle and bond with you– without being overwhelmed by somewhere new.

The minimum age for pups to start the first practical class is 9 weeks.

Doulting Village Hall, Tuesdays 6:30-7:30pm
6 week course: £112 (payment plans available)

 Current Course Fully Booked. Please get in touch for more details of our next course. 

Life Skills Course

This course is for adolescent or older dogs who need a bit more help with their Life Skills. We will look at core skills such as loose lead walking, recall, door and food manners, husbandry and more, as well as a few fun tricks.

Each class will also delve into dog body language, communication, socialisation, emotions, bonding, and more.

Our classes are based inside but we also work outdoors if weather permits to get more natural training environments.

This course starts with an online ‘theory’ class that provides lots of information about how dogs learn and communicate, what can affect their behaviour and how we can manage or mitigate common behaviour problems such as reactivity or seperation anxiety. In this first session you will also get a chance to request training in specific areas over the following 4 weeks.

Doulting Village Hall, Tuesdays 7:30-8:30pm
5 week course: £82 (payment plans available)